Non Conformance Reporting
The Non Conformance Reporting process is essential in ensuring that all events are properly investigated and documented. With Simpletrak’s Non Conformance Reporting feature, you will be able to view and document the results of an investigation. The NCR tool gives you the power to quickly address quality control problems and determine the appropriate corrective actions to take.
Simpletrak 2.0’s Non Conformance Reporting Feature lets the organization customize the investigation process without compromising key information. The required information needed for a well-document report will still be present, but the company will be in control of the process. This control allows you to identify company-specific data and quickly document a report that can then be used in other trending models.

With complete visibility and an easy-to-use mobile interface, the reporting module allows you to search for trends on any device. From Customers, Suppliers, Jobs, and Equipment to Discrepancies, Causes, Corrections, and Costs, you will be able to evaluate every part of your organization. All the tools included in this feature will help you prevent making the same mistake twice.